ROI for Social Impact, Sarah Harris

Welcome to Innovative Insights – brief conversations designed to showcase the unique talent that makes up our network of over 250 CSR, ESG and Sustainability consultants.

I’m Tom Knowlton – CEO, CSR Talent Group.

We invited Sarah Harris to join us today because of her insights into how brands reap value from impact strategies.

Our focus today is on how companies monetize social responsibility (make money do good); earn ROI on Impact/Sustainability strategy. The viewer will learn:

1. Examples of companies making money while doing good and leaving understanding how to spot opportunities.
2. The power of sharing your impact story.

Questions addressed in this interview include:

1. What business imperative is driving organizations to action – right now? Beyond ‘being good for the environment and the world around us….’ how do brands really reap value from impact/sustainability strategies? Can you share some real-life examples? 
2. You’ve provided examples of companies that are monetizing their social responsibility.  Can you now share an example or 2 of how brands share their impact story really well? 
3. How do people get started? What’s the best first move? 

Want to get more information?

Let’s setup a quick call and go over the details.

Aligning Brand & Purpose, Lynda Costa

Welcome to Innovative Insights – brief conversations designed to showcase the unique talent that makes up our network of over 250 CSR, ESG and Sustainability consultants.

I’m Sheilah Crowley – Head of partnerships here at CSR Talent Group.

We invited Lynda Costa to join us today because her unique talent is in the brand and purpose space. And while aligning brand and purpose is a rapidly developing area and something we’ve found many companies are grappling with, Lynda brings her unique ability to innovate and use her exceptional communication skills to engage every variety of stakeholder.

So today we wanted to focus on two case studies that she’s shared with us that illustrate her unique ability to align brand and purpose and her overall contribution to the social impact ecosystem.

Questions addressed in this interview include:

  1. Lynda briefly and in your own words, please tell me about your background and what fuels your unique approach within the CSR, ESG space.
  2. We’ve spoken about your work at Pepsico and Firmenich (one of the largest the flavoring companies?). Can you use those two work examples to illustrate your approach to aligning brand and purpose?
  3. For the listener who may be working against some challenges in executing a brand and purpose strategy, can you provide some specific tips that maybe you could have used when trying to execute your programming?

Want to get more information?

Let’s setup a quick call and go over the details.

ESG & Impact in Healthcare, Julie Cornell

Welcome to Innovative Insights – brief conversations designed to showcase the unique talent that makes up our network of over 250 CSR, ESG and Sustainability consultants.

We invited one of our esteemed consultants Julie Cornell of JAC Partnerships to join us today because of her unique insights into the healthcare space. Julie has worked in healthcare for a combined 15 years, including nearly 10 years at Johnson and Johnson as a senior lead on their Global Community Impact team. She holds a notable record for designing, delivering, communicating, and measuring evidence-based programs that connect communities with healthcare. We know that every variety of company is grappling with questions around lasting impact and measuring success. Given the climate of increasing demands on healthcare companies like J & J – from every variety of stakeholder – today we’re excited to focus on Julie’s unique perspective in light of her deep experience working inside the healthcare industry.

Questions addressed in this interview include:

  1. Tell us about yourself and what makes your experience unique/interesting.
  2. 3-part question:
    – What can (and should) healthcare companies be doing?
    – What is their role in society as corporate citizens?
    – And what are some unique and innovative examples of high-impact approaches that you’ve seen in your career?
  3. 2-part question:
    – What are some of the challenges healthcare companies face in achieving those outcomes?
    – How would you advise someone in your (then) shoes to work within those challenges?
  4. How can you measure success?

Want to get more information?

Let’s setup a quick call and go over the details.

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